Mental Health

Why Bad Things Happen - A Theoretical Discussion

Why Bad Things Happen - A Theoretical Discussion

As many of you know, this past weekend marked the deadliest mass shooting in American history.  In the same state, a toddler was dragged underwater by an alligator at Disney World.  Chicago continues to see victims of violence everyday, and I find it almost routine to check the news and see how many people died while I was sleeping.  Reading about such events can be numbing, and I find myself sometimes questioning the meaning of it all.  Why do bad things happen? 

You Want Some? Get Some!

You Want Some?  Get Some!

"Fear success.  You don't deserve to be happy.  You shouldn't have any of the stuff that you earned." 

These sentiments seem to be pervasive in the minds of many.  Despite whole industries rising and profiting off encouraging others to achieve their dreams, doubt still remains in many people's minds.  There are lots of facets that relate to why people doubt themselves, but for today, I would like to focus on the rewards that come after successfully completing a project.  The rewards that people deserve don't always come, but what may be worse still is when the spoils are voluntarily turned down.